Marconi S-600 Radar Systems - Maintenance, Overhaul, Modernization, and Upgrade


MTT-INFIZ has more than a decade-long experience in the successful maintenance, servicing, and modification of Marconi S-600 series radar systems. During this period, our most important clients were the Serbian Air Force and Air Defence, as well as the Kenya Air Force. The services we provide are listed below.

Maintenance, overhaul, and servicing:

• Entire radar system
• Parts of the radar system, according to the special request of the end-user
• Individual radar assemblies

Supply of spare parts, testing, and servicing, among other include:

• Magnetron
• Thyratron
• Encoder
• TR cells and tubes
• Digital MTI (Moving Target Indicator)

Modification and modernization, among other include:

• Procurement of a new IFF radar and its integration into the radar system
• Manufacturing and integration of the Digital PPI DiNovo Radar Terminal
• Extractor tracker
• Communication equipment
• VHF band
• UHF band
• Intercom device for command posts
• Device for automatic control of radar for height measurement
• The modification kit for installing an LNA in the radar receiver

(We especially emphasize that the company MTT-INFIZ has developed a family of LNAs for radar receivers in the frequency range from 1250 MHz to 9 GHz. All LNAs are realized in solid-state technology and have very low consumption.)